How to detect a WM_DisableWindow in a custom widget.

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  • How to detect a WM_DisableWindow in a custom widget.

    I have a lot of custom widgets in my project. All of them created with WM_CreateWindowAsChild and returning a handle to the main window. Something like this:

    C Source Code

    1. SPIN_TEXT_BOX_HD SPIN_TEXT_BOX_create(int x, int y, int w, int h, WM_HWIN hWinParent, U32 style)
    2. {
    3. SPIN_TEXT_BOX_HD mainHd;
    4. WM_HWIN widgetHd;
    5. spin_text_box_t dft_data = {0, 0, 0, {NULL} };
    6. btn_data_t btn_data = {0, FALSE};
    7. // Edit dimensions
    8. int ew;
    9. mainHd = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(x, y, w, h, hWinParent, style, cbMain, sizeof(spin_text_box_t));
    10. WM_SetUserData(mainHd, &dft_data, sizeof(spin_text_box_t));
    11. widgetHd = BUTTON_CreateEx( 0, 0, 50, 50, mainHd, style, 0, WDG_BTN_DEC);
    12. WM_SetCallback(widgetHd, cbButton);
    13. WM_SetUserData(widgetHd, &btn_data, sizeof(btn_data_t));
    14. // Edit width
    15. ew = w - 2*50;
    16. widgetHd = EDIT_CreateEx ( 50, 0, ew, 50, mainHd, style, 0, WDG_LABEL_TXT, 24);
    17. WM_SetCallback(widgetHd, cbEdit);
    18. btn_data.arrow_right = TRUE;
    19. widgetHd = BUTTON_CreateEx( 50+ew, 0, 50, 50, mainHd, style, 0, WDG_BTN_INC);
    20. WM_SetCallback(widgetHd, cbButton);
    21. WM_SetUserData(widgetHd, &btn_data, sizeof(btn_data_t));
    22. return mainHd;
    23. }
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    As you can see, in this example I have a main child window, that is going to be child of the window passed as parameter on the method create. And I have 3 windows that are children of this so called 'main child window'.

    My question is. Is it possible to receive a message via callback (in my example the callback is called cbMain) when I use a WM_DisableWindow and WM_EnableWindow?

    My focus here is try to develop a custom widget with the same interface as the emWin Widgets.

    The post was edited 2 times, last by RodolfoDias ().

  • Hi,

    Yes there is a way. In your 'cbMain' simply react on WM_NOTIFY_ENABLE. If pMsg->Data.v is 0 it gets disabled if the value is 1 it gets enabled.

    C Source Code

    1. case WM_NOTIFY_ENABLE:
    2. if (pMsg->Data.v == 1) {
    3. //
    4. // Enable
    5. //
    6. } else if (pMsg->Data.v == 0) {
    7. //
    8. // Disable
    9. //
    10. }
    11. WM_DefaultProc(pMsg);
    12. break;
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    If you want to create your own widget, you might want to take a look into our application note regarding creating own widgets:

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