Solomon SSD1963 driver

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  • Solomon SSD1963 driver

    Hi, I have STM32F3x mcu and ssd1963 lcd controller driver and I want to use emwin with them in my project, but there is not its driver. The emwin manual shows samples/lcd_x.c,however there is only lcd_x.c in there. I don't know how do I configure to GUI_conf.c. Could you help me ?
  • Hi,

    A good point to start is the LCDConf_FlexColor_Template.c it is located under 'STM32Cube_FW_F3_V1.6.0\Middlewares\ST\STemWin\Config\' in the STM32Cube_FW_F3 package.

    There you need to fill the four LCDWriteXXX / LCDReadXXX functions with hardware specific code. In LCD_X_DisplayDriver() you have to initialize the controller and the required hardware under 'case LCD_X_INITCONTROLLER'.

    In the function LCD_X_Config() change the third and fourth parameter to fit to your enviroment (e.g. GUIDRV_FLEXCOLOR_F66720 as third parameter for the SSD1963).

    Further you have to adapt the defines for x and y size at the very beginning of the file and set a color coversion depending on the color depth required (e.g. GUICC_565 for 16 bit per pixel)

    In GUI_conf.c is not much to do. In general the only thing to do is assigning memory to emWin.

    I hope this helps.

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